Custom Estate Planning, Ltd. is a Virginia law firm dedicated to estate planning education and to providing clients quality estate planning services at reasonable prices. Sarah Parks of Custom Estate Planning, Ltd. is licensed to practice law in Virginia, and her services are available to Virginia residents. The educational material in this website was developed for Virginia residents, is not necessarily valid in any other state, and is intended for educational purposes. It is not intended to provide specific legal advice to any individual, couple, family or other entity. If you live in a state other than Virginia and have questions about estate planning topics, please contact an estate planning professional in your area.
To make our office as safe an environment as possible we have established the following protocols:
We can accomplish any non-signing meetings (such as reviews) in-person or via Zoom or phone. This allows you to schedule a time to be able to go over your documents with us, one-on-one, in a format that is safe and comfortable for you.For in-person meetings, each participant wears a mask, and we stagger clients so that we never have more than one set in the office at a time. Between each set of in-person clients we are sanitizing all surfaces, such as doorknobs, light switches, restroom fixtures, pens, conference room furniture and the like with a bleach solution to be sure that we are not transmitting germs. We have places to wash hands and we offer hand sanitizer as well.
We understand that this is a trying time for all of us and we are here and willing to provide the help you need to finish your estate plan so that you and your family are protected.